Information on searching

Full Text Search

Full Text Search

Use the full text search to find a word or an expression irrespective of which field it occurs in.
Use the full text search first to check whether your search returns a result.
Field search

Field search

Use the field search to find a word or an expression in a selected database field such as title or reference code.
Use the field search if you want to search selectively and know the meaning or use of the individual fields.
Archive plan search

Archive plan search

The archive plan search enables you to navigate in the hierarchical tree structure of the archive, from the higher-level fonds to the individual document provided that it has been captured. Many documents are only comprehensible from their classification in the archive plan.
Use the archive plan search to get an overview of the various fonds or to selectively access known fonds.

Von allen digital oder gedruckt erschienenen Publikationen, die unter Verwendung von im Archivinformationssystem verzeichneten
Archivgut verfasst wurden, ist dem Österreichischen Staatsarchiv unmittelbar nach Erscheinen unaufgefordert und kostenlos ein
Belegexemplar in geeigneter Form zu übermitteln.
This invisible link is used for directing Google or other search engines to the start page for their indexing.
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