AT-OeStA/HHStA HA OMaA Akten 602-111 Erhebung des Franz Joseph Peitl in den Adelsstand, 1770 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))

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Information on identification

Ref. code:AT-OeStA/HHStA HA OMaA Akten 602-111
Title:Erhebung des Franz Joseph Peitl in den Adelsstand
Creation date(s):1770
Level:Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File)
Former reference codes:V/1770

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End of term of protection:12/31/1800
Permission required:Keine
Physical Usability:Uneingeschränkt

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